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1983 to the PresentDr. Frederick O. Lewis 1983 – 2004 On February 16, 1983 Rev. Dr. Frederick O. Lewis became the 12th pastor of the Grace Baptist Church known widely as The Baptist Temple in Blue Bell. With the current average stay for an American Baptist pastor about seven years, his tenure was remarkable.
During the course of his pastorate, Dr. Lewis has served as President of the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary Alumni Association; Vice-Moderator and Board Member of the Philadelphia Baptist Association; Vice-President of the Wissahickon Faith Community Association; charter member of the Blue Bell Rotary. In 2003, he was selected to receive training with the American Baptist related Nehemiah Leadership Network, as one of several pastors who have high potential for leading renewal and congregational transformation. At the Baptist Temple, his accomplishments have included equipping and empowering persons to use their gifts in ministry through worship renewal, congregational care giving discipleship and small group ministries. American Baptist related international and national mission trips have been developed, as well as local involvement in the Interfaith Housing Alliance and the Community Food Cupboard. Several strategic plans for ministry have been developed, including goals and action plans for three to five years at a time. During his tenure, the church has experienced consistent growth in membership, staffing, budget and finances. A full time Pastor to Student and Young Adults the Rev W. David Winner was added in 1996. Late in 2004, Dr. Lewis announced that he had accepted a call as senior minister for The First Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Lewis is married to Constance Mary Castle, an elementary art teacher at Blue Bell Elementary School. Connie is a graduate of Kutztown State University. Connie and Fred first met as students at Freedom High School in Bethlehem. They have two adult sons, Christopher and Timothy. Both sons are graduates of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Rev. W. David Winner The Rev. W. David Winner was called as Pastor to Youth and Young Adults in 1997 and celebrated his 10 year anniversary in that position in July of 2007. Dave is a graduate of Eastern University with a degree in Youth Ministry and Palmer Seminary (formerly Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary) with a Master of Divinity He is currently a student at Regent University, Virginia Beach pursuing a PhD in Organizational Leadership, majoring in Human Resource Development. Dave has been married to his wife Dena for 14 years and has three great kids, Rebecca. Katherine and Andrew. Dr.Stephen D. Crane ![]()
Dr. George M. Hawthorne
On August 20, 2006, Rev. Dr. George M. Hawthorne became the 13th senior minister
of The Baptist Temple. On Sunday, September 10, 2006, the church became
officially known as Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell.