150th Anniversary Memorabilia

150th Anniversary Commemorative Items and Book

The book about Grace Baptist Church 150 Year History Available on Amazon.com

Order Form

Email completed form to staff@gbcbb.org


Grace Baptist Church Tote $25 each X # ____ = _____


Baptist Temple Tote $25 each X # ____         = _____


Grace Baptist Church Cups $10 each or

3+ cups $4 each                                   = _____


150th Anniversary Christmas Tree Ornament $5 each


# ____ ornaments        = _____


TOTAL:            _______


Name:  ____________________________________________


Phone:  ___________________________________________


Email:  ____________________________________________


For those who feel uncomfortable picking up at Grace the items ordered, we are offering local delivery of items:


Address:  __________________________________________


City:  _____________________________________________

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