News & Notes

September 15, 2024

Greeter(s)                    Don & Betty Helpa

Welcome Center           Kathy Gallagher

Worship Leader            Ed Paluszka

Sound/PowerPoint       Kristin Paluszka/Wendell Braneky

Livestream                   Irene Philips

Nursery                        Margaret Montgomery, Madison Dobrovolec

Toddlers                       MaryKate Boggs, Ellie Paluszka

Graceland                     Casey Brookes, Sophia Dobrovolec

FAITH IN ACTION 2024 is September 28-29.  Sign up today in the church narthex. The list of projects is in today’s bulletin and in the September newsletter.  You may also contact Betty Helpa at or by phone/text at 215 688 3875 to sign up or ask questions.   FIA is a great time to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join you in a serving opportunity as we go out into our community and show our love.  Don’t just go to church – BE THE CHURCH.

THE FALL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held following the worship service next Sunday, September 22, in the sanctuary.  The meeting will also be on zoom and zoom attenders will be able to vote.  All members should plan to attend and participate in the business of the church.  

CALENDAR CHANGE: The Pinochle Group will meet on Thursday, September 19 at 1pm in the church narthex.

SIGN UP NOW for the All-Church Hayride/Bonfire, Saturday, October 26, 6pm at Merrymead Farm, Valley Forge Road, Worcester.  Reserve your place in the wagon for $10/person.  Use the link below or contact Casey to sign up:

THE FALL “SECRET PLACE” is here!  Copies are available at the Welcome Center, cost $.50.

BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, the Midweek Bible Study will meet every Wednesday, from 11am to 12pm in person at church and on zoom.  The fall the group will do an inductive manuscript Bible study of Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia.  This letter has some of the apostle Paul’s best-known “lines” such as “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20), “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28) and “the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”.  Pastor David invites you to live out Grace Baptist’s value of “holy curiosity” by becoming a regular member of the Midweek Bible Study.  After Bible study, in-person members usually share life with each other over a brown bag lunch from 12-1pm.

NEW SMALL GROUP FORMING TUESDAY EVENINGS.  Pastor David will lead a new small group every other Tuesday evening beginning September 17 at 7pm.  Other meeting dates are October 1, 15, 29, November 12 and December 3 and 17.  Childcare will be provided.

   This small group will be a discussion group related to parenting children and youth in today’s world.  Each week Pastor David will share an idea or two from Andrew Root’s book, The End of Youth Ministry?. 

   This group welcomes the participation of anyone, especially those with adult children in their 20’s, 30’s or older. Today’s parents can learn from hearing about your experience raising children and youth.  Throughout the small group we’ll also consider scriptures that might offer us guidance as we seek to form the faith identities of our children.

WE EXTEND CHRISTIAN LOVE AND SYMPATHY to Gunta Plostnieks and her family on the death of her brother, Valdis Keris, on Friday, September 6, in Encinitas, CA after a long illness.

THE MULTI-FAITH COALITION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY invites you to join them for a transformative experience on September 25, 9am-2:30pm at their upcoming Interactive Peace event, where we focus on fostering deeper understanding, curiosity, and connection among participants.  For more information and to register click this link: Multi-Faith Coalition’s Interactive Peace Event: Building Understanding, Curiosity, and Connection (  This event is a great opportunity to live out Grace Baptist’s emerging value of “Holy Curiosity,” which is grounded in our history around education, learning, questioning, and listening.  

COMMUNITY CUPBOARD DONATIONS:  Drop off at 150 N. Main St., Ambler (Tues, Thurs, and Fri, 9am-2pm) or at church during office hours.  Not needed at this time: cereal, tuna, peanut butter, soup.  Donations requested as of August 29: aluminum foil, bleach, canned potatoes, cookies, crackers, dish soap, juice, mayonnaise, paper towels.  No bulk or extra-large size items, please.

THIS WEEK AT GRACE BAPTIST – All activities are in person unless noted.

Sunday, September 15

9:30am – Sunday School, Choir

10:45 – Worship

1:30pm – Myungsung worship (Room B)

Tuesday, September 17

7pm – Parenting Together Small Group, Youth Group

7:30pm – Presence (zoom)

Wednesday, September 18

11am – Midweek Bible Study (zoom, in person)

Thursday, September 19

1pm – Pinochle Group

7pm – Trustees (in person, zoom)

Friday, September 20

10am – MOMS Club (Graceland)

Sunday, September 22

9:30am – Sunday School, Choir

10:45am – Worship

12:00pm – Congregational Meeting

1:30pm – Myungsung Worship (Room B)

2024 Faith In Action Projects

Sign up today in the church narthex.  You may also contact Betty Helpa at or 215 688 3875 to sign up or ask questions.  Read your September newsletter for all project details.

Whitpain Community Festival Booth

Project Leader: Kate Stremme

Date/Time: Saturday, Sept 28, 12-4pm.  Sign up for a time slot.

Location: MCCC campus

Number of Volunteers: 12

Description: Represent GBCBB at our booth at the Whitpain Festival. 

Christmas Cards for Our Troops

Project Leader: Patrice Erik

Date/Time: Sunday, September 29, 10am-12pm

Location: GBCBB

Number of Volunteers: 8+

Description: Spread cheer overseas by sending Christmas cards to soldiers stationed away from home.


Visits to Shut-Ins

Project Leader: Linda Allmond

Number of Volunteers:10

Date/Time: Anytime during the week

Location: Various

Description: Teams of 2 will be given 2 names of shut-ins to visit and deliver goody bags.  Visits can be made anytime during the week. Please take photos during your visits so that we can share and remember members of our church family who are not able to attend.

1st and 2nd Responders Meal Prep and Delivery

Project Leader: Kelly Gallagher

Date/Time: Sunday, September 29, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Location: GBCBB

Number of Volunteers:10

Description: Family Friendly. Recognizing our local heroes and supporting them by preparing lunch and delivering the meals to our 1st and 2nd responders. This includes the Whitpain police, ambulance, and fire companies.

Whitpain Parks and Recreation Clean Up

Project Leader: Harry Jenkins

Date/Time: Sunday, Sept 29, 9-11:00am

Location: Montgomery County Community College

Number of Volunteers:10+

Description: Family Friendly. The team will assist with festival clean-up.

WeCare Ambler Family Landscaping 

Project Leader: Pastor Braneky

Date/Time: Sunday, Sept 29, 9:30am (time change)

Location: TBD

Number of Volunteers:

Description: Meet and join local Ambler families who need a little assistance in fall clean up yard work.

Manna on Main Street Meal Production and Distribution

Did you know that September is National Hunger Awareness Month?

Must be at least 14 years old to volunteer for this project.

Project Leader: Kathy Lloyd

Date: Sunday, Sept 29 

Location: Manna on Main Street 606 E. Main Street, Lansdale

Production – Time: 9:30-11:30am

Number of Volunteers: 4

Description: Help is needed to pack and assemble to-go meals.

Distribution (2 time slots available)

Time: 9:30-11:30am                  Number of Volunteers: 2

Time: 11:30am-1:15pm             Number of Volunteers: 2

Description:  This shift is the client- facing side to the to-go meals, retrieving meals for all who come in.

Students and Young Adult Project


Project Leader: Pastor Brady Rennix



Number of Volunteers: 8+

Description: TBD

Upcoming Events

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