News & Notes

January 12, 2025

Greeter(s)                    Kathleen Viall

Welcome Center           Kathleen Viall

Worship Leader            Betty Helpa

Sound/PowerPoint       Kristin Paluszka/Frankie Lyszkowski

Nursery                        Casey Brookes

Toddlers                       Margaret Montgomery, Mia Neaves

Graceland                     Scott Brookes, Sam Parrent

Graceland 2.0               Amanda Stauffer

A SECOND BUDGET MEETING to discuss the revised 2025 Ministry Budget will be held today at 12pm following Sunday School Classes for all ages.  At our December 8th congregational meeting members voted to affirm the executive committee’s recommendation to not pass a budget with an $84,000 deficit, to allow time for them to take steps to increase income/decrease expenses and to then present a 2025 proposed budget with a $50,000-$60,000 deficit to be discussed and voted on January 12, 2025.  Please plan to attend the meeting.  

OUR NEW SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE HAS BEGUN!  We are excited to come together for Christian worship and discipleship! 

  • Worship at 10am (sanctuary)     Fellowship from 11-11:15am 
  • Sunday School for everyone from 11:15-12pm
    • Children through 3rd grade in Graceland
    • Children in 4th & 5th grade in Room A
    • Youth in the youth trailer
    • Adults in Room B & Boardroom

Please consider signing up for fellowship time snacks to contribute to the success of our new Sunday morning worship schedule.  The sign-up sheet is posted at the kitchen window.  Snacks could include muffins, store bought or homemade cookies, breads, etc. pretzels, chips, veggie tray, fruit tray.  Paper products are provided.

COMING SOON!  Men of Grace, be watching for an announcement of monthly gatherings on Saturday mornings.  These will last about an hour and involve prayer, a short devotional time, and a guest speaker with time for questions afterwards.  Of course, coffee and donuts will be available!  Don Helpa.

NEW CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITIES IN 2025!  The Board of Christian Education celebrates the launch of our two courses last week with 28 adults participating.  All are welcome to attend classes even if you were unable to attend the first week.  Both classes will meet through January 26th.  The classes are:  

  • Women of the Bible: Life Changing Stories for Today – This course will use a DVD curriculum taught by six acclaimed Bible teachers, including Lysa TerKeurst.  Each week we’ll meet a different woman in the Bible whose life teaches us about ourselves and who God is.   
  • The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers: Spiritual Insights from the World’s Most Beloved Neighbor based on the book by Amy Hollingsworth – Each week we’ll discover one of the “Spiritual toast sticks” of Mister Rogers, beginning with toast sticks for the heart, which refer to looking inward with our hearts as inner disciplines affect how we see others.  This week’s toast stick is Taking Time/Silence. 

WE EXTEND CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the following in our church family:

  • Butch Swanson and his family on the passing of his mother, Elizabeth (Betty) Swanson, on January 4, 2025.
  • The family and friends of Betty Hough, former member and Spring House resident, who died on Wednesday, January 8 following a fall.

UPDATE AND VOLUNTEER REQUEST: Drivers continue to be needed to take Peter Sharpe to and from his radiation treatments at Jefferson Neurosurgery Center (900 Walnut St., Philadelphia), M-F at 11am.  Parking is taken care of (valet and free).  The appointments themselves only take about 20 minutes.  Many thanks for your help and for your prayers for Pete. 

Please use this link if you can help with transportation:  

COLLECTING CHRISTMAS CARDS: Do you have a few unused Christmas cards that you did not send this year? The Board of Missions is collecting cards that will be used for one of our Faith In Action projects later in the year.  If you have unused cards you’d like to donate, please place them in the box located in the narthex or give them to Patrice Erik or Betty Helpa. 

COMMUNITY CUPBOARD DONATIONS:  Drop off at 150 N. Main St., Ambler (Tues, Thurs, and Fri, 9am-2pm) or at church during office hours.  Please shop our Amazon Wish List.  Donations requested as of January 8: BBQ sauce, bread crumbs, graham crackers, ketchup, mustard, peaches (canned), pears (canned), Progresso soups, SPAM, teriyaki sauce, vinegar, body wash, cleaning sprays, Clorox wipes, deodorant (female), dish soap, laundry detergent, paper towels.  No bulk or extra-large size items, please.

THIS WEEK AT GRACE BAPTIST – All activities are in person unless noted.

Sunday, January 12

10am – Worship

11-11:15am – Social Time

11:15am – Sunday School

12pm – Congregational Budget Meeting

12:15pm – Staff Meeting

1:30pm – Myungsung worship (Room B)

Tuesday, January 14

7pm – Youth Group

7:30pm – Presence (zoom)

Wednesday, January 15

11am – Midweek Bible Study (in person, zoom)

5:30-6:30pm – Girl Scouts (Graceland)

Thursday, January 16

7pm – Trustees (in person, zoom)

7:30pm – Diaconate (zoom)

Sunday, January 19

10am – Worship

11am – Social Time

11:15am – Sunday School

1:30pm – Myungsung worship (Room B)

4pm – MLK Remembrance Service, Bethlehem Baptist (712 Penllyn Pike, Spring House)

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