The Healing Power of Christ
This Sunday I’ll begin a brand new series of Lenten messages entitled “The Healing Power of Christ.” Each week we’ll take a Biblical look at various healing encounters Jesus had with people and seek to apply these situations to our own lives. This Sunday we’ll focus on the healing stories of Jairus’ daughter and the hemorrhaging woman found in Mark 5:21-43. DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR ON SATURDAY NIGHT.
Last Sunday I completed my series of messages on our new vision statement. It’s based on the word BECOME and is printed on the back of your Sunday bulletin. I enjoyed giving you a broad overview of the major emphases in our new vision statement, but remember…it’s just the beginning. Soon I will be meeting again with our Strategic Planning Committee to develop more specific plans and goals that will enable us to achieve our new vision for the glory of God. Stay tuned!
We are grateful for your generous support of the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering! Thanks to you, we have surpassed our goal of $2,500.00 with a total of $2,535.00.
This Sunday and throughout March we will be receiving our America for Christ Offering. Please give prayerfully and generously to help us reach our goal of $2,675.00. The theme of the offering this year is “Seek Justice” based on Isaiah 1:17.
Pastor George