From the Pastor: September 2015
Dear Friends,
I am always excited about the end of summer and the beginning of fall. In fact, it’s my favorite time of year. I’m looking forward to cooler days and the eventual change of colors. And I’m very glad, of course, that I no longer have to go back to school in September! An added bonus!
This is the unofficial start to the church year. We have had a wonderful summer, to be sure, and I’m grateful to all who have supported our ministry with your presence, prayers and financial gifts. Like most churches, our attendance has been down a bit this summer as people have vacationed and fulfilled other commitments. But overall, your participation in the various ministries of our church has been consistently good. Thank you!
I want to say a special word of thanks to all our soloists and musicians who have greatly enriched our worship services in the absence of our choir. (They’ll be back soon!) I’m also grateful to our young people and their leaders for their wonderful sharing after their most recent mission trip to Vassar, MI. In addition, I want to thank Doug Hargis for organizing and leading our Sunday Prayer Breakfasts.
With summer almost over, however, I am looking forward to an exciting fall. The weeks and months ahead of us will be full of opportunities for us to fulfill our mandate to Be a Christ Centered Community Sharing God’s Love with the World. This is more than just a mission statement; it is the commission of Jesus to us His disciples to allow Christ to do His work in us in order that He can impact the world through us.
It all begins with Rally Day on September 13. On that Sunday we’ll return to our regular Sunday morning schedule beginning with a Potluck Brunch at 9:15 A.M. More details are contained in this newsletter. Worship will begin at 10:45 A.M. I’m looking forward to beginning a new series of messages entitled “Beyond the Door.” Lesson One will be “The Door of Hospitality” based on John 12:1-8. We hope you’ll join us for all the day’s activities as we kick off the fall season here at Grace.
I love serving as your pastor. This is a wonderful church full of wonderful people! As I begin my tenth fall season with you, I am anticipating even greater things because we serve a great God. I look forward to journeying with you and seeing what God is going to do in us and through us.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor George