From the Pastor — November 19, 2015

Dear Friends,

A Memorial Service will be held in honor of Bob Foell this Saturday at 4:00 P.M. here at Grace. Bob, who was 103½ years old at his passing, was a faithful, cheerful Christian servant and worked in the church office for many years until 2013.

Our 3rd annual Vendor Fundraiser Event is this Saturday, November 21, 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. here at the church.  Start your holiday shopping with Jamberry Nail Wraps, Thirty One, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Scentsy, Premier Jewelry, and Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate, and more!  Also, there will be raffles and a silent auction.  Invite your friends and neighbors.  All proceeds go towards the youth group’s 2016 summer mission trip.

This Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday and we hope you’ll join us as we pause to thank God for all of our blessings.  Doug Hargis will share a message entitled “Thanks for the King” based on Psalm 126.  It will also be my privilege to dedicate Joe and Tiffany Secoges’ new baby Janelle Annalie.

Thank you to Barbara Green, the Sanctuary Choir and all those who helped to make our Fall Concert, “The Nifty Fifties” a great success.  The church was filled with enthusiastic members and guests at both the 2 P.M. and 7 P.M. shows.  If you would like to see some pictures from the show click on this link:

Commitment Sunday was last week.  If you have not turned in your pledge card please do so this Sunday or at your earliest convenience.   If you didn’t get a card or need one, please contact the church office.  There are also some available at the Welcome Center.  The stewardship of our money is not only important to the life and ministry of the church, it is vital to our responsibility as stewards of God’s blessings.  I hope you’ll join us.

It’s time to order your Christmas flowers!  To order a poinsettia to be placed in the sanctuary for the Christmas season, please pick up an order form at the Welcome Center and put the completed form with payment in Sue Jenkins’ church mailbox or leave in the church office.  Please pay in cash or by check payable to “Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell”.  The deadline for orders is November 29.

See You Sunday,

Pastor George


Trish Simpson

Office Manager

Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell

P.O. Box 122

437 Skippack Pike & Lewis Lane

Blue Bell, PA   19422


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