From the Pastor — October 20, 2016

Dear Friends,

The picture on the bulletin this week was taken more than 10 years ago by Obed Arango on the occasion of my installation as your new pastor.  Our carpet is no longer orange, of course, but we’ve experienced many other changes as well.  I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we mark my 10th anniversary as your pastor.  I’ve asked Dr. Ken Maahs to preach and he’ll be sharing a message entitled “A Decennial Celebration Meditation” based on 2 Corinthians 11:23-30.  Special music will be provided by our Sanctuary Choir, Bell Choir and Children’s Choir.  I’m very grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to serve with you here at Grace these past 10 years and I’m looking forward to a very special Sunday!

Our World Mission Offering is being collected during the month of October.  Our church’s goal is $2,500.00.  Thus far we’ve collected $1,324.00 so we still have a ways to go.  Offering envelopes are included in the October newsletter and are in the sanctuary chair backs and at the Welcome Center.  We need everyone’s support!

Our Annual All-Church Hayride will be held tomorrow, Friday, October 21, at Merrymead Farm.  The tractor leaves at 6:00 P.M. and the cost is $10.00 per person.  It’s going to be a night of fun for the whole family and we hope you’ll join us.  Hopefully, we won’t get rained out this time!

Please keep Gaby Ortiz in your prayers following a bike accident during a race in San Antonio, TX.  Gaby’s injuries were very serious requiring surgery for a broken clavicle, ribs and punctured lung.  He is currently a patient at the Brook Military Hospital.

See You in Church,

Pastor George

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