From the Pastor — October 27, 2016
Grace Baptist Update – October 27, 2016
Dear Friends,
What a wonderful day of worship and celebration we shared together last Sunday. I enjoyed the day so much and I am very grateful to all who were involved in the planning and implementation of my 10-year anniversary celebration. From the moment I arrived on Sunday morning to the McDonald’s themed lunch, it was a day I will always cherish. Thank you!
I hope you’ll join us for worship again this Sunday as I share a message entitled “The One Thing the Church Has to Offer” based on Matthew 20:1-16. That one thing, of course, is grace.
I wonder how the people of this community think about this church. Do they see this as a place of grace? Are we truly living out the name of our church in our daily lives? I hope to answer those questions this Sunday.
Our World Mission Offering will conclude this Sunday. Our church’s goal is $2,500.00. Thus far we’ve collected $1,620.00, so we haven’t quite reached our goal yet. Offering envelopes are in the sanctuary chair backs and at the Welcome Center. We need everyone’s support!
The November Issue of Grace Notes will be available this Sunday in your mail boxes and at the Welcome Center. You can also read it on-line by visiting our website at
See You in Church,
Pastor George