From the Pastor – February 15, 2018
Dear Friends,
This Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent and I hope you’ll join us for worship. Our service will begin with our Graceland children singing and ringing their chimes. They are always such a great blessing! I will also begin a Lenten series entitle, “Meeting Jesus Along the Way.” This Sunday’s message will be “The Man Born Blind,” based on John 9:1-41. Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the Lenten devotional booklet, “Thy Will Be Done”, at the Welcome Center. I am certain that it will enrich your Lenten journey this year.
Thank you all for the wonderful way in which you celebrated Pastor Appreciation Sunday last week. Kathy Gallagher’s kind words from the pulpit, the gift card and the reception after church with the beautiful cake were very much appreciated. We have been fortunate over the years to have so many men and women committed to full-time Christian service involved in the life and ministry of our church. Thank you for being the wonderfully supportive congregation that you are!
We will continue to receive our Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering during the month of February. The RMMO helps to provide much needed thank you checks to men and women who have dedicated their lives to God’s service. Our church goal is $2,500. An offering envelope is included in the February newsletter with extras available in sanctuary chair backs and at the Welcome Center.
The Hospitality Network is coming to Grace during the month of March! We will host up to three homeless families from the Inter-Faith Hospitality Network. We need many volunteers to help in the following areas during the month: meals, supplies, overnight hosts, child care, and transportation (weekdays & weekends). Financial assistance is also needed since this is not a budgeted program. Please sign up this Sunday in the lobby of our church if you are able to help.
See you in church!
Pastor George