From the Pastor – March 1, 2018
Dear Friends,
This Sunday is the third Sunday in Lent and I’ll be continuing my Lenten series, “Meeting Jesus Along the Way”. Sunday’s message is “The Blind Man” based on the story in Mark 7:31-37.
There are still copies of the Lenten devotional booklet, “Thy Will Be Done”, available to pick up at the Welcome Center. The devotions will help in our reflections on seeking God’s will in all aspects of our lives, especially during the season of Lent. It’s not too late to pick up your copy.
Many thanks to Gene Stremme and the Graceland Children for their wonderful music last Sunday! As always, their chimes and voices were a great blessing!
The Hospitality Network has arrived at Grace for the month of March! We will initially be host to three homeless families, including lots of kids, from the Inter-Faith Hospitality Network. The sign-up sheets are filling up be we are still in need of volunteers to help. We especially need overnight hosts. Financial assistance is very welcome since this is not a budgeted program. Please sign up this Sunday in the lobby of our church if you are able to help.
Use your bulletin tear off slip this Sunday to indicate if you will be attending the Easter breakfast (9:00 A.M. on Easter morning) and the Seder meal on Maundy Thursday, March 29, 6:30 P.M. Please include the number in your family that will be attending for meal preparation purposes. Children are more than welcome at both events!
Invite a Friend Sunday is coming! What a great opportunity we have on Palm Sunday, March 25 to invite our unchurched friends to Grace Baptist! Our choir will be presenting special musical selections to accompany skits performed by members of our new drama team. It will be a very meaningful service for you to invite your friends to attend.
See you in church!
Pastor George