March Post from Pastor Steve – Cross-Examination

In law, cross-examination is the interrogation of a witness called by one’s opponent. It
can also be defined as aggressive or detailed questioning of someone.

Last month I attended a continuing education event for pastors. The theme focused on
theological identity and meaning of traditional Christian concepts. One of those concepts was
the cross. Since then I have been aggressively questioning my understanding of the cross.

These days crosses can be seen in many places from church towers to gangsta tattoos.
The cross is used as a form for exquisite jewelry for the ultra-rich and simple wooden representations on the graves of
the poorest people in the world. Ask around, you’ll get all sorts of responses about the meaning of the cross.

We sing . . . “When I survey the wonderous cross . . .” For Christians, the cross is an instrument of death that
Jesus transformed into a symbol of hope and life. It lets us know that God can transform even the most evil things into
good. It lets us know that all things can work together for the ultimate good for those who have faith in Christ. Despair
is turned into joy. The cross is not the end of the story.

During Lent, I want us to do some cross-examination. What does the cross of Christ mean to you? What place
does the crucifixion of Jesus have in our lives? What does it mean to carry your cross?

An old hymn reminds us . . . “I will cherish that old rugged cross . . . and exchange it some day for a crown.”
The cross is not the end of the story. But it is a big part of the story. For Jesus, the cross is part of the road to the resurrection.

The promise of God is that, for us, the crosses we bear are part of the road to victory. It’s difficult to put the
cross into perspective, but in the midst of life’s difficult situations, we need to keep our eyes on the resurrected Christ.

I like the sentiment of “Take up your cross”, an old praise song of Ray Boltz.
Take up your cross and follow Jesus
Take up your cross everyday
Don’t be ashamed to say that you know Him
Count the cost then take up your cross and follow Him.

Pastor Steve

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