Midweek Bible Study

September 18th at 11:00 AM

Join us for our Wednesday 11 am Midweek Bible Study. Join us in person at 437 Skippack Pike (bring a bag lunch to have lunch with those who come in person afterward) or join on Zoom wherever you are (at home, in your shore home, in Florida, wherever you are! Contact us at staff@gbcbb.org for the Zoom info. We are diving deep into Galatians.

We are discussing:

  1. Paul was called by the grace of Christ on the road to Damascus to be an Apostle.
  2. The gospel teaches us that we are justified by faith alone, not by works, and that our justification rests on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died in our place, taking the curse we deserved.
  3. We live a new life not on our strength but by the power of the Spirit, not to gain merit before God but because of God’s gracious work in our lives.

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