Happy Thanksgiving!
As Amy and I approach Thanksgiving together and with our family and friends, we have much to be thankful for. I hope you do too. Take time amid this busy and sometimes hectic Thanksgiving holiday to give thanks to God for all your blessings.
It has been suggested that how we choose to look at life is a critical ingredient of a thankful heart. Is the glass half empty or half full? How we see the “glass” is often an indicator of who we are looking to for hope and happiness. Do we look to ourselves or are we looking to the God of all creation. The Psalmist wrote; “Happy is the one whose help is in the God of Jacob and whose hope is in the Lord his God.”
A very special post-Thanksgiving worship service is planned for this Sunday, November 28. Pastor Hawthorne’s message is entitled “Thanksgiving Chair,” based on 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Special music will be provided by the Cancel Choir and a duet will be sung by Sue Jenkins and Amy Bocklet. If you’re in town, don’t miss it!
With thankful hearts we had an opportunity to present our pledges to the Lord for the 2013 budget last Sunday. If you haven’t had a chance to return your Stewardship Commitment Card, please do so this Sunday or at your earliest convenience. Extra cards are included in the chair backs and at the Welcome Center.
December Newsletters will be in church mailboxes this Sunday and on the church’s website. Extra copies are available at the Welcome Center.
Gifts for the Children’s Christmas Party must be returned this Sunday. Thank you for your generosity!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Pastor George