Amazing Grace

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we continue our Lenten sermon series, we journey closer to Jerusalem and to Holy Week with Jesus.  Next week is Palm Sunday.  This Sunday is the first Sunday of April, so we will gather around the Lord’s Table and celebrate communion.  Our scripture passages for this Sunday from Luke 18:9-30 reveal how we can receive communion and what it symbolizes, the gift of salvation through Jesus.

In our scripture from Luke there’s three different scenes.  The first is the Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector.  The second scene is Jesus blessing the little children.  The third scene is Jesus encounter with a rich ruler.  In each scene the overriding message is the same.  One cannot earn one’s way into God’s kingdom.  Rather entrance into God’s kingdom is through grace, God’s amazing grace.

We’ll encounter that grace this Sunday through the scripture, through our worship and through communion.

See you on Sunday,

Pastor David

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