From the Pastor: 9/11/14: Mission Sunday

Dear Friends,

What a wonderful day last Sunday was here at Grace. Thank you to the Board of Christian Education for organizing our Rally Day’s festivities, to those who set up and prepared brunch, and to all of you who brought food to share. We had a great turnout and enjoyed a wonderful morning of fellowship and sharing. It was also exciting to see one of our best Rally Day worship attendances in recent years and to have the choir back to help lead worship. Choir members, you were missed all summer but we are grateful for all the wonderful solos shared by some very talented people.

This Sunday will be another great day here at Grace as we celebrate Mission Sunday. The morning’s activities include:

9:30 Sunday School. Come learn about our local, national and international missions and how they connect our church to the world.
10:45 Worship. Come hear Barbara Bolick, American Baptist International Missionary to Chile.
12:00 Mission Fair. Come enjoy lunch and learn about the organizations that we support with our mission dollars.

It’s going to be a fantastic day and a great opportunity for us to learn more about the mission work we support and how we can get more involved. Don’t miss it!

We extend Christian sympathy to Bob Allmond and Cynthia Dunne and their families on the death of their aunt, Margaret Allmond, a former, long-time member of the old Baptist Temple, on September 8.

See you in church!

Pastor George

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