From the Pastor – February 1, 2018

This Sunday I’ll be sharing a message entitled “It Matters” based on Exodus 19:9-11 and 16-19.  What is the “It” in “It Matters”?  Read the text in preparation for worship and it will probably give you a clue.  Special music will be provided by soloist Carolyn Paulin accompanied by me on guitar.  In addition, there will be a special collection of the Fellowship Fund following communion.  We invite you to use the pink envelope in your offering envelope box to support this effort that helps people with special needs in our church family and in the community.

 Fly, Eagles, Fly!  It’s not often that we get to celebrate the appearance of the Eagles in the Super Bowl…so why not show your support by wearing green or your favorite Eagles attire to church this Sunday!    There will be no Super Bowl Bowling on Sunday evening.

We will begin receiving our Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering this Sunday and it will continue throughout the month of February. The RMMO helps provide much needed thank you checks to men and women who have dedicated their lives to God’s service.  Our church goal is $2,500.  An offering envelope is included in the February newsletter with extras available in sanctuary chair backs and at the Welcome Center.

Pastor Appreciation Sunday will be held on February 11 as we recognize and honor the pastors in our congregation: Kathy Kautz-Arango, Dwight Bolick, Douglas Hargis, Linda Haughton, Jean-Luc Krieg, Tim Schwartz, Nelson Hayashida and myself.  My brother, Rev. Joel Hawthorne, will be our special guest speaker that day.

See you in church!

Pastor George

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