From the Pastor — February 2018
I just completed preaching a twopart series of messages entitled “Sharing Your Faith.” In part one I emphasized the importance of every believer getting to know people who are unchurched or dechurched or who simply do not have a relationship with God. It is in the context of a friendship or a growing relationship that we are best able to influence people for Christ. Studies show that friends are much more likely to respond positively to an invitation to attend church than strangers are. In fact, a recent survey suggests that 25% of Americans will attend church (at least once) if invited by a friend—not a stranger…but a friend.
Inviting others, of course, was the focus of part two of “Sharing Your Faith.” At the conclusion of the message many of you filled out “My Invitation List” cards to keep as a reminder of the people you know, or will get to know better, and will invite to church in the future. I hope you’re praying for the people on your list and, when the time is right, you will invite them to one of our services. I think there’s a pretty good chance that they will say “yes”.
On a different but related subject, on December 31 of last year, under the leadership of Doug Hargis, many of you filled out “My Spiritual Resolutions for 2018” cards during our worship service and hung them on the Christmas Tree as an act of commitment. I’ve kept those cards on my desk and have been reading them and praying for those who wrote them (even though they are all anonymous). The sentiments expressed are beautiful and I pray that all of us will be able, with God’s help, to follow through with our resolutions.
One person resolved the following: “Be more intentional in inviting others to church.” Would that that might be a resolution we could all adopt in the coming months. I pray that it will be so as we strive to be a more inviting people and to build a growing church for God’s glory. On February 4 I’ll be sharing a number of your resolutions as they relate to “Three Great Resolutions” I’ll be speaking about during my message.
See You in Church,
Pastor George