From the Pastor — March 16, 2018

Dear Friends,

I hope you’ll join us for the fifth Sunday of this Lenten season as I continue my series, “Meeting Jesus Along the Way.”  This Sunday we’ll be focusing on the story of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume in John 12:1-8.  Our service will also feature another dramatic presentation by one of our new drama team members, Gene Stremme.  In addition, we’ll be privileged to hear an update on International Ministries of our denomination by Dr. Ray Schooner, Senior Director of Development.

This Sunday is the deadline for ordering Easter flowers.  Please use the pink order form placed in your church mailbox.  Extra copies can be found at our Welcome Center.


 Please use your bulletin tear off slip this Sunday to indicate if you will be attending the Easter breakfast (9:00 A.M. on Easter morning) and the Seder meal on Maundy Thursday, March 29, 6:30 P.M.  Please include the number in your family that will be attending for meal preparation purposes.  Children are more than welcome at both events!

 Invite a Friend Sunday is coming soon!  What a great opportunity we have on Palm Sunday, March 25 to invite our unchurched friends to Grace Baptist! Our choir will be presenting special musical selections to accompany skits performed by members of our new drama team.  It will be a very meaningful service for you to invite your friends to attend.

Congratulations to Harold and Pat Mathues on the birth of a grandson, Charlie Alexander Burke, on March 15 in Vermont.  His parents are Christopher and Christina (Mathues) Burke.

See you in church!

Pastor George


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