From the Pastor – March 2, 2017

Dear Friends,

We extend Christian sympathy to Joan Frizzell and family on the death of her mother, Virginia Parker, a life-long member of Grace Baptist. Ginny died on February 28 at the age of 92.  Her funeral service will be held this Saturday at Grace at 10:30 A.M.  Visitation is 9:30-10:30 A.M.

This Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent and I’ll be starting a new series of messages, “Help for Troubled Hearts from the Psalms.”  This week’s installment is “When We No Longer Recognize Ourselves” based on Psalm 51.  I hope you’ll join us as we take a look at King David’s terrible deviation from God’s plan for his life and God’s unfailing love through it all.  Gunta Plostnieks will be our guest organist and special music will be provided by Bob Allmond.

We will also begin collecting our America for Christ Offering this Sunday.  Please help us reach our goal of $2,675 to help support home missions across the United States and Puerto Rico.  Envelopes are included in the March newsletter, available at the Welcome Center, and placed in sanctuary chair backs.  Please read your bulletin insert this week for more information about this important offering.

Thank you for the special recognition Armando and I received last Sunday for Pastor Appreciation Day. I am grateful for Kathy’s kind words, the Wawa gift card, Bob’s delicious cookies, the handmade cards from all the kids, and above all, for a very loving and supportive congregation.  I deeply appreciate all of you!

There will be two Lenten devotional booklets available for you at the Welcome Center this Sunday.  Pick one up this week and use it to enhance your Lenten experience.

Hospitality Network Month has begun here at Grace!  We are currently hosting three families (including 8 children!) from the Inter-Faith Hospitality Network for the month of March.  Your response to being involved and helping this year has been overwhelming.  Betty has informed me that there are just a few more nights to fill, but all the meals have been signed up for.  What a great response!  Thank you!  Please check the sign-up sheet in the narthex this week to see if you can help with one of the remaining nights.

See You in Church,

Pastor George

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