From the Pastor — May 18, 2017

Dear Friends,

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held this Sunday at 9:30 A.M. during the Sunday School hour in the sanctuary.  The children and youth will have their regular Sunday School classes.  We will be conducting some very important business including a discussion of the bylaws changes, voting on new officers and board members, and reports from officers and boards.  Copies of the Annual Report will be available in the Narthex before the meeting.  We hope you’ll attend!

A healthy church is a growing church…but how healthy is Grace Baptist.  This Sunday I’ll be sharing some insights from my recent sabbatical in a message entitled, “Sabbatical Reflections:  Becoming a Healthy Church” based on Haggai 2:1-9.

This Sunday is Blanket SundayOnce again we are partnering with Church World Service to help people around the world recover from disasters and get a fresh start.  An envelope will be provided in Sunday’s bulletin for your contributions to this one Sunday collection.

Barbara Green will be back with us this SundayShe is doing very well following her recent hip surgery and will be in church this week to direct our choir and play the piano.  She’ll be back at the organ console soon!  Welcome back, Barbara!

Thank you for your gifts to the Baby Manna offering last Sunday.   $316 was collected for mothers and children in need.

Please continue to keep the family of Mark Vanderbeck in your prayers following his untimely passing on May 3.  A memorial service to celebrate Mark’s life will be held here at Grace on Saturday, June 10 at 10:30 A.M.  You may also visit with the family before the service at 9:30 A.M.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile is coming to Grace on Monday, May 22, 1:00-6:00 P.M.  Please sign up with Sue Jenkins or Linda Allmond this Sunday or call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.

See You in Church,

Pastor George


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