From the Pastor: Nov 16, 2014: Bring a friend Sunday

November 6, 2014


Dear Friends,


Bring-a-Friend Sunday is this Sunday, November 9.  This is a great opportunity for us to invite our unchurched friends, neighbors, colleagues and family members to Grace Baptist.  Even if you are unable to bring a friend, please plan to attend our service to welcome those who do visit.  Everyone’s presence is very much needed!   I’ll be speaking on the subject “A Model of True Friendship” based on the story of David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel 20.  A reception will follow the service so that we can have an opportunity to meet and welcome all our visitors.  Please be praying for this special day and do your best to invite someone!


A special thanks to Barbara Green, the Sanctuary Choir, the Graceland children and all of our musicians for months of hard work and preparation for this year’s music presentation.  “On the Road Again” was a great success and the church was filled to capacity with enthusiastic and eager listeners.  A good time was had by all!


Special Request – The Community Cupboard in Ambler is in immediate need of extra paper or plastic bags for food distribution. Any that you bring on Sunday will get to the Cupboard on Monday.  A great way to recycle those bags!


Coming Soon…


Jean-Luc Krieg, missionary to Mexico, will be our special guest us on Sunday, November 16.  His sermon title is “What Do You Have In Your Hand?” based on Exodus 2:23-3:12.


Come on out to an All-Church Hayride & Bonfire, Saturday, November 15, 5:00 P.M. at Merrymead Farm on Valley Forge Road in Worcester.  Enjoy fun and good food for only $10/person.  Sign up this Sunday in the narthex or contact Casey Stauffer to make your reservations (, 610-389-2387).


Hope to see you this Sunday!  It’s going to be a great day!


Pastor George

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