From the Pastor — October 19, 2017

Dear Friends,

This Sunday I’ll be sharing a message entitled “When Is Enough…Enough?” based on Mark 10:17-31.  Special music will be provided by our Sanctuary Choir and our Graceland Children who will sing and ring.

We are continuing to receive our World Mission Offering.  If you haven’t had a chance to give, please prayerfully consider helping us reach our goal of $2,500.00.  Let us join together with other American Baptist churches across the country to touch as many lives for Christ as we can.

Please pick up a shoebox (you have to put it together) to fill for Operation Christmas Child!  There will be instructions in this week’s bulletin and our deadline for return is November 12.  I’ll be talking more about it during our Children’s Chat this Sunday.  Please help if you can.

Care Packages will be sent to our Grace Baptist college students in November and we need your help.  Please bring in your donations of candy, ramen noodles, easy mac, and other treats college students might like and place on the marked table in the church lobby.  Our deadline isNovember 3.

This Sunday our children ages 6 years old to 7th grade will be attending the Family EscapeRoom in Langhorne, PA at 1:00 P.M.  A pizza lunch will be provided during Graceland 2nd Hour before traveling to Langhorne as a group.  The cost is $10.00 per child.  Please contact Casey Brooks ASAP if your child would like to participate.

See You in Church,

Pastor George

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