From The Pastor: October 23, 2014: Evangelism Jesus Style

Dear Friends,

Evangelism, Jesus Style. This Sunday I’ll begin a two-part message series to help get us ready for Bring-a-Friend Sunday on November 9. Is there someone you know, who is not currently attending a church, who might be interested in visiting Grace on that special day? The Church Growth Institute in California asked 14,000 lay people the question, “What or who was responsible for your coming to Christ and your church?” Almost 90% said they owed their introduction to the Christian faith to a friend or relative. This is a great opportunity for us to reach out and to influence those around us for Christ. Please be in prayer for this important day and invite!

Our World Mission Offering total now stands at $1,045.00 toward our goal of $2,500.00.
We still have a ways to go, so if you haven’t contributed to this important effort, please do so this Sunday. Offering envelopes are in the October newsletter, in the sanctuary chair backs and available at the Welcome Center.

November Newsletters will be in church mailboxes this Sunday and will be available for viewing on the church website,,

Coming Soon…

“On the Road Again” – All are welcome to join the Sanctuary Choir, soloists and select groups of Grace Baptist Church for their annual Fall Concert on Saturday, November 1 at 7:00 P.M. Our musicians will journey across the United States in song. The concert will conclude with a special tribute to Pennsylvania and the USA. Light refreshments will follow the free concert. Don’t miss this fun evening and invite your friends, family and neighbors to share it with you!

See you Sunday!

Pastor George

P.S. Thank you to Betty Helpa, the Board of Missions and all who helped to make Faith in Action another great day of ministry for our church. Celebration Sunday was a wonderful day!

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