From the Pastor: October 3, 2014: Faith in Action Day

Dear Friends,

Faith in Action day is coming (October 12)! You can still sign up for a specific outreach ministry this Sunday in the narthex. Several of the projects are already filled but there are plenty of places left for you to serve. Look them over on Sunday and check out a full description of each ministry in the bulletin insert. We anticipate another great day of service and ministry in our community and I hope you’ll be a part of it!

In preparation for Faith in Action I’ll be preaching on the subject “Loving God” based on Matthew 22:34-40. In this passage, Jesus is challenged by the religious leaders of his day to answer the question, “Which is the greatest commandment in the law?” His answer informs our understanding of the issue of “Loving God.”

We will be receiving our World Mission Offering beginning this Sunday and throughout the month of October. Offering envelopes are included in your October newsletter. Sunday is also World Communion Sunday. Please read your bulletin insert for more information about the WMO. Our church goal is $2,500.

See you Sunday!

Pastor George

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