From the Pastor — September 15, 2017

Dear Friends,

 First, I want to thank everyone who helped to make Rally Day such a blessing!  The day began with a time of food and fellowship around the tables (thank you to all who brought delicious breakfast food) and continued with a meaningful worship service.  It was great to see the return of the Sanctuary Choir and the Children’s Chat and an increase in attendance as people have mostly completed their summer vacations and travels.  I love the summer months, but I’m always glad when fall arrives and our ministry here at Grace gets back into full swing.

This Sunday I’ll be sharing a message entitled “Move Over Pastor!” based on Ephesians 4:11-16.  I’ll be sharing my belief that God is calling us to be a congregation where every person is using his/her gift for the glory of God.  Our guest organist will be Trish Simpson and special music will be provided by our Sanctuary Choir and soloist Steve Longenberger.

This Sunday, regular Sunday School classes for all ages will begin for the school year.  For adults, all are invited to attend one of the two electives being offered:

  • The Wired Word class will be back in the boardroom.  This group explores a wide range of topics taken from the news and uses biblical texts to explore these challenging situations.  Class leaders: Cliff and Monét Dobrovolec
  • Study of the book, “Victory Over the Darkness”, by Neil Anderson.  The class will focus on discovering who you are in Christ and realizing the power of your true identity.  Class leaders: Ryan and Melissa Flack


The Pastor’s Welcome Class will be held this Sunday at 9:45 A.M.  This one-day class is designed for anyone who is new or newer to Grace Baptist who would like to learn more about our church.  It’s also a great opportunity to become acquainted with other new folks attending Grace.  I hope you’ll join us!

After church this Sunday we will hold the fall Congregational Business Meeting.  A main item on the agenda will be discussing and voting on the proposed bylaws changes.


Faith-in-Action Sunday is coming on October 1.  As always, we have many wonderful opportunities for ministry in our community lined up for that day.  Sign-ups have begun in the church lobby and descriptions of each ministry opportunity will be available on a bulletin insert.  It is our hope and prayer that everyone who is able will get involved and help us to make this another successful day of outreach and service.


See You in Church,

Pastor George


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