From the Pastor – Thanksgiving 2017

Many of you may have heard or read the story about the bear and the atheist but for those of you who have not; I will give an abridged version of the story.

An atheist was walking through the forest admiring the trees and rivers which he referred to as cosmic accidents when he heard a rustling noise behind him. He turned around to see a seven-foot tall grizzly bear coming towards him. He started running as fast as he could and the bear chased him. He tripped, fell down, and the bear caught up with him. As the bear was about to strike him, he cried out “O my God!” Time stood still, and he heard a voice saying, “You denied my existence all these years. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you now as a Christian?” The atheist replied, “I would be a hypocrite to become a Christian but perhaps you can make the bear a Christian?” “Very well!” said God and time resumed again. At that moment, the bear brought its paws together, bowed its head, and spoke. “Lord, for this food which I am about to receive, I am truly thankful.” I’ve heard this story numerous times, but it still makes me smile.

Another Thanksgiving will soon be upon us. Many of us will be gathering with loved ones, sharing extravagant meals, and maybe watching a little football. Some of us will probably eat too much and sleep through the games. In the midst of our celebrations, however, I would remind you not to lose sight of all that we should be truly grateful for. Above all, we need to be thankful for all that God has done and will continue to do for us and our families each day of our lives.

As members of the Grace Baptist family, we should be thankful that God continues to bless our church, our people and our ministries. To be sure, several dear members have died this year and others have moved away. It’s been difficult, in both cases, to say goodbye. We cannot afford, however, to be like the nine lepers, who, after lifting their voices and imploring Jesus to heal them, went on their merry way. Only the tenth leper returned to Jesus in thanksgiving. (Luke 17:11-19)

Let us all continue to use our God-given time, talents, and treasures as good stewards in Thanksgiving to God because “…all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.” (Chronicles 29:14)

Pastor George

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