Happy Anniversary
This morning my wife Amy commented on my Facebook page, “Happy Anniversary to the happy couple!” Bob Allmond also commented, “Many more happy years together!” They were both referring to the fifth anniversary of my kidney transplant. Five years ago today I received the gift of life and the gift of a new chance.
I want to take this opportunity once again to thank everyone at Grace for your prayers and for helping me through this difficult chapter in my life. Your encouraging words and your unending support have meant a great deal to me and on this anniversary I just wanted to say thank you.
Two Items of Importance:
IT’S TIME FOR OUR ALL-CHURCH HAYRIDE! All are invited to Winding Brook Farm (3014 Bristol Road, Warrington, 18976) on Saturday, November 10, 6:30 P.M. for a hayride followed by hot dogs and s’mores around a bonfire. Cost is $5 per person. Contact Casey Stauffer (cstauffer@gbcbb.org) to sign up.
A CHURCH WORK DAY is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, November 10, 9:00-noon. It’s supposed to be 60 degrees and sunny so I hope you’ll join us. There are indoor and outdoor projects for everyone! Speak to Kathy Gallagher for more details about work planned.
See You Sunday!
Pastor George
P.S. Kristin still needs some shoeboxes and goodies for our college care packages!