Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer

Dear fellow followers of Jesus,

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? Last Sunday we began a Lenten journey with Jesus to Jerusalem.  This included our hybrid in-person/zoom small group adult study at 9:30 a.m. as well as our sermon.  We encountered Jesus’ leaving Galilee and responding to would-be followers who faced difficulty in “leaving home” to follow Jesus. We pondered, “what homes / loyalties / allegiances do we need to leave to follow Jesus.”  This Sunday, we’re going to explore how Jesus invites his followers to look towards God through prayer.

In our scripture for this Sunday from Luke 11:1-13, one of Jesus’ disciples says to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”  Jesus responds with what we know as the Lord’s prayer.  After sharing what in essence is a simple, but profound prayer, Jesus tells his disciples a parable about a man who received an unexpected guest late at night.  This man has nothing to set before his guest, so he goes to a friend and asks for bread.  At first the friend rejects, the petition, but because of the man’s boldness and persistence he responds to the petition.  Lastly, Jesus offers assurances to his disciples that God hears our prayers.

Throughout this passage, Jesus emphasizes to his disciples that as they look to God, they want to be aware of their dependence upon God, their need before God.  When you find yourself in need, what is your first instinct?  Is it to try and control the situation? Is it to respond in some fearful way?  Or is it to go to God in prayer, expressing trust in God and God’s goodness? Jesus’ teaching on prayer assures us that God is a loving parent.  God wants to give to those in need.  Are we asking God?  Are we seeking God?  Are we knocking on God’s door?

See you on Sunday,

Pastor David

p.s. If you haven’t yet completed our very brief survey for our Director of Worship and Music Ministries.  I invite you to do so now by clicking on this link:

David Braneky


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