May 2 2014
May 2, 2014
Dear Friends,
The first Sunday of May will be Peace Sunday here at Grace and we invite you to join us as we pray for peace and focus on the subject, “Living In the Spirit of Peace” based on Galatians 5:22-25 and Colossians 3:14-15. Special music will be provided by our Sanctuary Choir and Barbara Vogt will sing the beautiful solo, “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked.” We’ll also be sharing the Lord’s Supper together. Hope to see you in church!
The Grace Baptist Flea Market will be held this Saturday, May 3, from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. Invite your friends and come join the search for great bargains. All proceeds will support local mission projects at the church. Proceeds from the Food Court will benefit the Youth Group’s summer mission trip to Monroe, NC in July. Please let Kristin Paluszka know if you’d like to help in any way on Saturday. Thanks to all who donated. The Lobby of our church is filled with goodies and great deals!
Coming Soon!
Sunday, May 11, is Mother’ Day and we’ll be collecting the Baby Manna Offering. This important offering will help to feed local impoverished infants. 100% of the money collected will be used by the Greater Philadelphia Food Bank to purchase infant formula and baby food. There will be a special envelope in your bulletin on the 11th for your participation.
The Annual Congregational Business Meeting will be held on May 18 following our worship service. The Annual Report will be distributed and new board members will be elected and other church business will be discussed. Your participation is important and needed!
See you Sunday,
Pastor George