Pastor Steve’s September Post
September 2ndThe B-I-B-L-E Yes, that’s the book for me. I stand alone one the Word of God. The B-I-B-L-E. This is an anonymous children’s song that first appeared in the 1920s. The author is unknown, usually listed as anonymous. Sept 8 is Rally Day! On Rally...
Read MorePastor Steve’s August Letter
August 26thUnity in Diversity I have enjoyed getting to know Grace Baptist over the past year. I appreciate that we are a diverse congregation. The level of our diversity is amazing for a congregation of our size. Our obvious differences are ethnicity, first language, age and...
Read MoreFrom the Pastor — July
July 8thDid you hear about the invention of the wheel? They say it started a revolution. I’ve heard it said that the church is like a wheel. Every analogy has its limits, but let’s see how this works for us. The wheel is the church, everyone...
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