From the Pastor – February 15, 2018
February 15thDear Friends, This Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent and I hope you’ll join us for worship. Our service will begin with our Graceland children singing and ringing their chimes. They are always such a great blessing! I will also begin a Lenten series entitle, “Meeting Jesus Along...
Read MoreFrom the Pastor – February 1, 2018
February 3rdThis Sunday I’ll be sharing a message entitled “It Matters” based on Exodus 19:9-11 and 16-19. What is the “It” in “It Matters”? Read the text in preparation for worship and it will probably give you a clue. Special music will be provided by soloist Carolyn Paulin...
Read MoreFrom the Pastor — February 2018
February 3rdI just completed preaching a twopart series of messages entitled “Sharing Your Faith.” In part one I emphasized the importance of every believer getting to know people who are unchurched or dechurched or who simply do not have a relationship with God. It is in...
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