News & Notes

Volunteers for February 2:
Greeter(s) – Steve Choyce
Welcome Center – Patrice Erik
Worship Leader – TBD
Communion Leader – Jeanne Hanna
Sound/PowerPoint – Cliff Dobrovolec
Nursery – TBD
Toddlers – TBD
Graceland – TBD

Please contact the church office to offer prayer concerns and let us know when names can be removed. Without updates, names will be removed after 4 weeks.
Ivor Bridge (Monét Dobrovolec’s father) Obed Arango (CCATE)
Jim Foyle (Artman) Dwight & Barbara Bolick
Betty Wardell (Nancy Burns’ mother) Jean-Luc Krieg

Colin & Joseph Bode Our college students
Larry Davis Family Promise families
Bernie Donnelly Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard
Hendrix Hamon (10-year-old cousin of
Samuel Parrent; heart transplant healing) FOR OUR CHURCH
Grace Lee GBC congregation
Kim Parrent
Nancy Stobbe Orpen (Joan Frizzell) IN THE MILITARY
Bryan Rosica (Sue Jenkins) PFC Ryan J. Massey
Nancy Haigh Ross (former member) Twentynine Palms, CA
Peter Sharpe (Ed & Cynthia Allmond Dunne’s grandson)
Elwood Swanson Stephen Scharf (Joan Frizzell’s grandson,
Army National Guard deployed to N. Africa)

Our Country
Ukrainian war & refugees
Conflict in Israel/Gaza
Victims of California fires & natural
disasters around the world

NEWS & NOTES – January 26, 2025

Greeter(s) Lloyd Paullin
Welcome Center Betty Helpa
Worship Leader Kristin Paluszka
Children’s Chat Gene Stremme
Sound/PowerPoint Scott Brookes
Nursery Kelly Gallagher
Toddlers Andrea Rodgers, Hannah Dobrovolec
Graceland MaryKate Boggs, Madison Dobrovolec
Graceland 2.0 Amanda Stauffer

OUR NEW SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE HAS BEGUN! We are excited to come together for Christian worship and discipleship! 
? Worship at 10am (sanctuary) Fellowship from 11-11:15am 
? Sunday School for everyone from 11:15-12pm 
? Children through 3rd grade in Graceland
? Children in 4th & 5th grade in Room A
? Youth in the youth trailer
? Adults in Room B & Boardroom
The sign-up sheet for snacks is posted at the kitchen window. Snacks could include muffins, store bought or homemade cookies, breads, etc. pretzels, chips, veggie tray, fruit tray.  Paper products are provided.

A NEW PICTORIAL CHURCH DIRECTORY will be printed in February. Please send any new contact information and updated digital photos to the church office asap. Remember to use the landscape format for your photos and have family group faces close together to fit well in our photo space.

MEN OF GRACE will meet on Saturday, February 22, at 10am. All men are invited. This will last about an hour and involve prayer, a short devotional time, and a guest speaker with time for questions afterwards. Refreshments will be available!

CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITIES IN 2025!  The Board of Christian Education gives thanks to God for the increased participation in adult discipleship and spiritual growth of participants with our new schedule.  All are welcome to attend current classes through January 26.
? Women of the Bible: Life Changing Stories for Today – This course uses a DVD curriculum taught by six acclaimed Bible teachers.  Each week we’ll meet a different woman in the Bible whose life teaches us about ourselves and who God is.  
? The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers: Spiritual Insights from the World’s Most Beloved Neighbor based on the book by Amy Hollingsworth – Each week we’ll discover one of the “Spiritual toast sticks” of Mister Rogers.

SIGN UP TODAY for adult Sunday School class on Sunday, February 2. The single class at 11:15am will be an interactive workshop, “Building Connection and Curiosity Across Differences”. Facilitator Megan Briggs, M.A., has degrees in Psychology and Counseling & Human Services. She has spent significant time studying and serving outside of the United States in the Middle East, Thailand and Africa. Megan worked as a Mobile Therapist/Behavior Specialist with families and in schools before her role as Program Manager with Girls on the Run, a nonprofit using running as an avenue to teach girls social and emotional skills. She is an adjunct psychology professor at Eastern University and has worked as an independent consultant organizing and facilitating civil conversations and building relational bridges across social and ideological differences. Megan serves on the Board of Directors of Interfaith Philadelphia and has served on a variety of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committees at her local school district and nonprofits. She lives in Lansdale, PA with her husband and two teenage sons.

NORRISTOWN BREAKFASTS: The Board of Missions continues to provide and serve breakfasts at St. John’s Soup Kitchen in Norristown on selected Sundays throughout the year. Dates for 2025: Feb. 9, April 13, June 8 (Youth Group), Sept. 14, Nov. 8. The crew serving breakfast reports at 7am and will be finished with clean up in good time for worship at Grace. If you or your group can help with one (or more) of these dates, please contact Irene Philips or Betty Helpa.

HOST HOMES are needed for a Youth Group Progressive Dinner on Tuesday, March 4, 6:30-8:30pm. If you would like to host part of the evening, please contact Brady Rennix.

NOTE OF THANKS: “Thank you so much to all who volunteered to drive Pete to and from his radiation appointments over the past several weeks.  It was a great help and much appreciated.  Pete finishes this round of treatment on 1/29 and then has a few weeks off until his next MRI which will determine next steps. We appreciate your continued prayers.”

COMMUNITY CUPBOARD DONATIONS: Drop off at 150 N. Main St., Ambler (Tues, Thurs, and Fri, 9am-2pm) or at church during office hours. Please shop our Amazon Wish List. Donations requested as of January 16: BBQ sauce, bread crumbs, coffee, cooking oils, graham crackers, mayonnaise, peaches (canned), SPAM, vinegar, body wash and lotion, cleaning sprays, Clorox wipes, deodorant (female), dish soap, laundry detergent. No bulk or extra-large size items, please.

COLLECTING CHRISTMAS CARDS: The Board of Missions is collecting unused Christmas cards that will be used for one of our Faith In Action projects later in the year. Please place them in the box located in the narthex or give them to Patrice Erik or Betty Helpa. 

THIS WEEK AT GRACE BAPTIST – All activities are in person unless noted.
Sunday, January 26
10am – Worship
11am – Social Time
11:15am – Sunday School
1:30pm – Myungsung worship (Room B)
Tuesday, January 28
7pm – Youth Group
7:30pm – Presence (zoom)
Wednesday, January 29
11am – Midweek Bible Study (in person, zoom)
5:30-6:30pm – Girl Scouts (Graceland)
Sunday, February 2
10am – Worship/Communion
11am – Social Time
11:15am – Sunday School
1:30pm – Myungsung worship (Room B)

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