Pastor’s Pondering
Last Sunday we had our first “Coffee and Conversation” after worship. Participants had an opportunity to fellowship and connect with each other as they shared their reflections from the sermon. We’ll have another Coffee and Conversation this Sunday.
Our scripture for tomorrow’s sermon is once again from the Gospel of Matthew. We’ll continue to listen to Jesus’ parables on the Kingdom of Heaven from Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52. In this passage we encounter five brief parables. Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to:
1. A mustard seed planted in a field that grows as one of the largest garden plants.
2. Yeast that a woman mixed into a large amount of flour, until it worked all through the dough
3. Treasure hidden in a field that a man found, then hid again and sold all he had and bought that field.
4. A merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
5. A net that catches all kinds of fish.
Each of these parables leaves us with an image of the kingdom of heaven. This Sunday we’ll explore the hiddenness of God’s kingdom and how we may respond when we encounter, often unexpectedly, the presence of God’s kingdom. Until then, I leave you to ponder two questions.
1. Have you been captivated by the treasure that is God’s kingdom?
2. Are you prepared to teach others the value of the kingdom?
See you tomorrow,
Pastor David