The Trust Test
Our Second Church Work Day is scheduled for this Saturday, November 17, 9:00-noon. Thanks to all who helped out last Saturday but there is still more work to be done and we need your help! There are indoor and outdoor projects for everyone. Speak to Kathy Gallagher for more details about work planned.
This Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday and we hope you’ll join us for worship. It is also Stewardship Commitment Day here at Grace. Please bring your commitment card to church with you. They will be collected at the end of the service. Additional pledge cards will be available in the bulletins for those who need them. If you are unable to be present this Sunday, please return your card to the church office at your earliest convenience.
Pastor Hawthorne will conclude his two-part stewardship message entitled “The Trust Test,” based on Acts 3:1-10 and Malachi 3:10-12. We will also be observing the ordinance of Believer’s Baptist as Erica Fitzgerald follows Christ in the waters of Baptism.
Two other important opportunities to give:
As we approach Thanksgiving we want to especially remember those in need in our local community. Please bring in non-perishable food for the Community Cupboard in Ambler this Sunday. The special wooden box is in the front of the office window for your donations.
We once again will provide gifts for the children’s Christmas Party at the Philadelphia Race Track. Please look for the gift tags in a basket in the narthex this Sunday. We have about 10 tags left! Prices range is $10-$16 per gift. Return your unwrapped gifts by Sunday, November 25. Also needed by the same date are toiletry items, socks and washcloths for adults.
See You Sunday!
Pastor George