The Choice of Determination
April 8thDear sisters and brothers in Christ, This Sunday is Palm Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week. In addition to our Sunday worship services, I invite you to participate in our Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 p.m. We will celebrate communion followed by a...
Read MoreAmazing Grace
April 1stDear brothers and sisters in Christ, As we continue our Lenten sermon series, we journey closer to Jerusalem and to Holy Week with Jesus. Next week is Palm Sunday. This Sunday is the first Sunday of April, so we will gather around the Lord’s Table...
Read MoreThe Puzzling Parable
March 25thDear members and friends of Grace Baptist, This Sunday we continue our journey to Jerusalem in the Gospel of Luke be encountering one of the most, if not the most puzzling of Jesus’ parables found in Luke 16:1-13. The parable has been given any number...
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