From the Pastor – Church Happenings and the Heretical Imperative Part II
October 31stDear brothers and sisters in Christ, I want to begin this pondering with a few reminders about what’s happening tomorrow at Grace Baptist. Tomorrow, we’ll have a chance to honor and celebrate the 10th anniversary of Casey Brookes’ ministry as our Director of Children and Family...
Read MoreThe Story of Job
October 22ndDear friends and members of Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell, I want to begin this e-pondering by expressing my thanks for the opportunity to take a personal day last Sunday so my family could go camping with our cub scout pack. The boys had...
Read MoreFrom the Pastor of Germond Presbyterian, New City, New York
October 8thPastor Abbie Huff, who grew up at Grace Baptist, writes in her church’s October Newsletter Ghosts October is the month I start thinking about spooky things. Like any kid around Halloween, I used to love to get that goose-bumps feeling when I thought about the...
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